Haslington Primary Academy and Nursery has a PAN (Published Admissions Number) of 45, this means that we have some mixed year groups throughout the school. Classes in Key Stage 1 can only have the maximum of 30 children in each class. Children are placed in their classes following in-depth discussions with their previous teacher and based on a range of criteria.

Haslington has 9 classes for 2024/25

Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1 – Reception, Y1, Year 1/2, and Year 2

Lower Key Stage 2 – Year 3, Year 4 and Year 4/5

Upper Key Stage 2 – Year 5, and Y6


Doors open for Early Years, KS1 and KS2 at 8.45 am. In EYFS, the Early Years team will go out to greet their children and enter the school from the EYFS playground. In KS1 and KS2, children will line up on their playground and will be collected by their class teacher or teaching assistant. The doors are locked at 8.55 am and any children arriving after this time must report to the reception desk.

School begins: 8.45 am with basic skills learning including Read, Write, Inc.

Morning break: KS 1 – 10.30am – 10.45am KS 2 – 10.45am – 11.00am

Lunch: This ranges from 11.30am until 1.00pm depending on the Key Stage and includes play and access to lunchtime activities.

Afternoon session: 12.45pm for EYFS and KS1 and 1.00 pm for KS2

School Closes: 3.15pm



Monday – Assemblies linked to specific themes in our Character Building Curriculum, PSHRE curriculum and British Values

Friday – Celebration assembly including Star of the Week, maths and handwriting certificates and other termly certificates including Geographer and Historian of the term and attendance certificates.